Profile PictureRita Arosemena

Divine Feminine And Divine Masculine: Balancing Our Sacred Energies In The Twin Flame Journey

"There is only one reason we find obstacles in understanding our twin soul's feminine and masculine energies: a divorce from our own feminine and masculine principles.

The idea of yin and yang, Sun and Moon, masculine and feminine, is intended to help the Human Mind understand the Divine traits we find in nature, including our own bodies and personalities.

These labels are made for the Human Self because the Soul doesn't need them. The Soul knows that their sacredness includes both energies. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to experience many lives in many bodies, which is the foundation of the Soul's cycle."

One of the biggest misunderstandings of the twin flame journey is assuming that our predominant energy depends on our bodies or genders, that we can only have one active polarity, and our twin is our missing “half” sent to complete us.

This empowers the idea that we lack potential and will never be able to achieve our highest without the physical presence of our twin soul; however, this is precisely what the journey is about: reclaiming our wholeness through individual growth, which ultimately brings us back together.

Accepting and embracing our Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine is the path to creating inner balance, a state of mind fueled by self-reliance and the capacity to bring forth our ideas from the non-physical to the physical realm.

This book is an invitation to healing and integrating our masculine and feminine energies by opening ourselves to the possibility that we are not always one or the other. Instead, we are both interchangeable and even unconsciously.

I hope that you enjoy the reading and find this package of energy clarifying in your journey—which is also mine.

Sending you Love and Light,


What You Will Find In This Book:

  • Your Body Has Nothing To Do With Your Energy
  • You Are Not Always The Same
    • Many Houses For Many Aspects
  • Understanding The Feminine And Masculine Energies In Twin Soul Connections
    • Scenario 1: You Are Both Too Masculine In Your House Of Emotions
    • Scenario 2: You Are Both Too Feminine In Your House Of Emotions
    • Exercise: Getting In Touch With Your Dominant Energies
  • The Sacred Dance Between Masculine And Feminine Energies
    • The Masculine Energy Says, “I Do”
      • Common Fears In The Divine Masculine
    • The Feminine Energy Says, “I Allow”
      • Common Fears In The Divine Feminine
    • Exploring The Link Between Energy Imbalances And Physical Separation
  • From Divine Feminine And Divine Masculine To Divinely Balanced: Intentional Exercises
    • House of Emotions And Relationships
    • House of Self
    • House of Career
    • House of Creativity
    • House of Finances
    • House of the Soul
  • Energetic Union Is About Finding The Right Proportion
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The most complete guide I could have written on feminine and masculine energies, traits, fears, and our journey to balance 💛

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Twin Flames, Divine Feminine, Divine Masculine
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Divine Feminine And Divine Masculine: Balancing Our Sacred Energies In The Twin Flame Journey

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